The People's Flag of Milwaukee, but with a paw instead of a sun SEWI Furs Pictures

The furries of southeastern Wisconsin and nearby areas

Born in Wisconsin, raised on cheese

The future home of photos

Unfortunately, the static links on this page tend to get outdated pretty quickly, and every addition or update requires a change to this website!

To make things easier, it is recommended to move to FurTrack for fursuit photos. This allows you, the photographer, to publish your work and (more importantly) make it visible without needing another person to perform manual work. Photos shared in a chatroom will eventually become lost and unreachable, but photos properly tagged in FurTrack will remain easy to find even years into the future.

Fursuit Walks (old links)

Dire Walf has provided us with a great selection of photos from our fursuit walks around downtown Milwaukee. In addition to this, they are open for private photoshoot commissions.

Bonfire (old links)

Furski (old links)

Conventions (old links)

We have two local conventions: Fur Squared in Brookfield, and AquatiFur in Wisconsin Dells.

Fur Squared 2022

Fur Squared 2020

Fur Squared 2019

Fur Squared 2018

Fur Squared 2017

Fur Squared 2016